interactive chart axis labels

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
<p>I have a report that contains a table group, where each group is printed on a row followed by multiple detail rows for that category.  In this report I also have a stacked bar chart that uses the same table group names as the X-axis labels.  For illustration, think of this report like a car lot inventory sheet.  I have a group for each Make followed by rows for each individual Model.</p><p> </p><p>I'm attempting to make the chart's X-axis labels (Make) interactive.  To do this, I've done the following:</p><ul class='bbcol decimal'><li>Added a bookmark for the row that displays the group name.  The bookmark uses the unique id of the group as opposed to the name itself. </li><li>In the chart's X-axis interactivity tab, I edited the hyperlink option to use an Internal Bookmark Base URL.  This uses the bookmark defined by the row. </li></ul><p>When viewing the source html of the generated report, I see the unique bookmarks I'm expecting (one for each Make).  But when I click on the interactive chart labels, the report takes me to the same bookmark for every label I click.  I'm using an older version of BIRT (2.6.2) but I see the same behavior in 4.2.1 as well.</p><p>Any thoughts or suggestions on how to get the chart labels to select the correct bookmark?</p><p> </p>


  • <p>Can you post the rptdesign?  I know when I use bookmarks I get some unexpected behavior depending on where I place the script.  Sometimes I have to place the script in the header or footer, other times in the table.</p>
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  • <p>Sure, here's a whittled down version of the report containing just the sections and data sets involved... the row containing 'Test Cycle Name' is the equivalent of the 'Make' in the original post, it has the bookmark and is also what's used to display the X axis label. </p><p> </p><p>Would it matter if the things I'm linking come from different data sets?  The names and id's will be identical between both sets, but maybe this can cause confusion? </p><p> </p><p>Thanks for taking a look!  </p>