LDAP configuration with iServer

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
Please read the article entitled "Implementing iServer security with Java Report Server Secruity Extension". This will give you an overview of RSSE, iServer security, and LDAP sample applications.<br />
The zip file contains the same sample RSSE applications as the article with along some additional stuff that is needed.<br />
<br />
This was only tested with version 9 for Windows.<br />
The sample applications were built with ANT, which can be downloaded from http://ant.apache.org/.<br />
$SERVER_HOME refers to the root of the iServer directory. I used the defaulted directories that were shown in the installation. For Example:<br />
<br />
Linux - /root/AcServer<br />
<br />
Windows - C:Program FilesActuate9iServer<br />
<br />
1. After installing iServer , copy the directory $SERVER_HOME/servletcontainer/webapps/acrsse and paste it to $SERVER_HOME/servletcontainer/webapps/acrsse_LDAP<br />
<br />
2. Add the following attributes to the <Volume></Volume> element contained within the file $SERVER_HOME/etc/acserverconfig.xml and replace the values as needed:<br />
RSSESOAPPort="8900" - port assigned at installation<br />
RSSEIPAddress="iServer" - name of the machine or IP address where iServer is installed<br />
EnableRSSEService="true"<br />
RSSEContextString="/acrsse_LDAP/servlet/AxisServlet"<br />
<br />
3. After unzipping the file, decide how you want iServer to interface with LDAP.<br />
<br />
I. Authentication only<br />
<br />
a) Build the Java RSSE application using the ANT script contained within Java Report Server Security Extension/LDAP_Authentication_Example. This will create the rsseAuthenticate.jar file and place it within Java Report Server Security Extension/lib.<br />
<br />
b) Copy the rsseAuthenticate.jar file to $SERVER_HOME/servletcontainer/webapps/acrsse_LDAP/WEB-INF/lib.<br />
<br />
c) Within the $SERVER_HOME/servletcontainer/webapps/acrsse_LDAP/WEB-INF directory, create the sub-directories classes/com/actuate9/rsse/wsdl.<br />
<br />
d) Using your favorite text editor, create the file class.properties and add the following:<br />
class=com.actuate9.rsse.authenticationSample.SampleRSSE<br />
<br />
e) Save the file to $SERVER_HOME/servletcontainer/webapps/acrsse_LDAP/WEB-INF/classes/com/actuate9/rsse/wsdl.<br />
<br />
f) Copy the file Java Report Server Security Extension/LDAP_Authentication_Example/ldap_$volumeName.xml to $SERVER_HOME/etc.<br />
<br />
g) Edit the values of the elements as appropriate.<br />
<br />
h) Replace $volumeName within the file name to the name of the encyclopedia volume.<br />
<br />
II. Externalize the user administration information. This will allow an iServer admin to be able to query LDAP for user names, security roles, and notification groups. This will also an admin to assign privledges to files for particular users and/or roles.<br />
<br />
a) Build the Java RSSE application using the ANT script contained within Java Report Server Security Extension/LDAP. This will create the rsseLdap.jar file and place it within Java Report Server Security Extension/lib.<br />
<br />
b) Copy the rsseLdap.jar file to $SERVER_HOME/servletcontainer/webapps/acrsse_LDAP/WEB-INF/lib.<br />
<br />
c) Within the $SERVER_HOME/servletcontainer/webapps/acrsse_LDAP/WEB-INF directory, create the sub-directories classes/com/actuate9/rsse/wsdl.<br />
<br />
d) Using your favorite text editor, create the file class.properties and add the following:<br />
class=com.actuate9.rsse.authenticationSample.SampleRSSE<br />
<br />
e) Save the file to $SERVER_HOME/servletcontainer/webapps/acrsse_LDAP/WEB-INF/classes/com/actuate9/rsse/wsdl.<br />
f) Copy the file Java Report Server Security Extension/LDAP/ldap_$volumeName.xml to $SERVER_HOME/etc.<br />
<br />
g) Edit the values of the elements as appropriate.<br />
<br />
h) Replace $volumeName within the file name to the name of the encyclopedia volume.<br />
<br />
i) Using Actuate Management Console, log into the System Administration console and shutdown the volume.<br />
<br />
j) To externalize the user administration information, the acextern command-line utility must be executed with the following: acextern -vol <name of volume>. However, Actuate does not provide this utility as part of the standard installation for iServer . I have submitted a bug to Actuate stating that this needs to be included within the installation (Case # 311000). I was able to get a copy of the executable from Actuate's customer support and was able to run it successfully on the machine containing iServer .<br />
<br />
<br />
4. Restart iServer. Should now be able to login to the management console with the LDAP administrator user name and password.