Hiding a chart series based on dataset content

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
One report I was designing needed to hide a series if it did not contain any data greater than 0. In the case of this report, the chart contained 3 series, and the third one needed this special ability to disappear if it was empty.<br />
To accomplish this, I added the following script to the chart:hasTarget = false;<br />
<br />
 * Called before generation of chart model to GeneratedChartState.
 * @param chart
 *            Chart
 * @param icsc
 *            IChartScriptContext

function beforeGeneration( chart, icsc )
        yAxis = chart.getPrimaryOrthogonalAxis(chart.primaryBaseAxes&#91;0]);
        if (hasTarget == false)
                yAxis.seriesDefinitions&#91;2].series&#91;0].visible = false;

 * Called after populating the series dataset.
 * @param series
 *            Series
 * @param dataSet
 *            DataSet
 * @param icsc
 *            IChartScriptContext

function afterDataSetFilled(series, dataSet, icsc)
        ps = PluginSettings.instance();

        if (series.getSeriesIdentifier() == "Series 3")
                dsp = ps.getDataSetProcessor(series.getClass());
                if (dsp.getMaximum(dataSet) &gt; 0)
                        hasTarget = true;
<br />
The function afterDataSetFilled checks for the maximum value of the third series. If it is greater than 0 (has data) a global variable hasTarget is set to true. Later on, the function beforeGeneration checks the value of hasTarget, and hides the third series if necessary.