Documentum 6.0 Client side environment setup

edited September 24, 2008 in Documentum #1

Hi Guys

I have a problem deploying my project which consums dfs from a D6 server. The reason is I can not import all the jars inside the sdk pacakge. They have some conficts with my project 's other library file.

I tried using

java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java http://xxxxxxx :9080/services/core/ObjectService?wsdl

to generate the .java files from the wsdl . But the class definitions i generated are quite different from the sdk's library file. Hence I can not use them.

Does anyone know of the right way to consume D6 dfs web service ? Or How to general the .java files from dfs' wsdl ? It is not mentioned anyway in the development guide.

Thanks in Advance
