DCTM java method server job connection

edited October 2, 2008 in Documentum #1

Hi friends,

How can I create a DCTM java method server job without putting the password hard coded?

I tried "sampleJobMethod" code from EMC developer site but it didn't connect to docbase.

I am using version 5.3 sp5

Any example?



  • mszurap
    edited October 2, 2008 #2

    In your job definition you should check "Pass standard arguments" checkbox and your method will get a username and a ticket. With that you can connect to your repository.

    Arguments are passed like this

    -docbase_name repositoryName -user "dmadmin" -ticket DM_TICKET=....

    You can create an abstract class implementing IDfMethod and process your arguments there, and extend your real business code in a class which extends that abstract class.