Query works in sql developer but not in BIRT

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
<p>I'm using Maximo 7.5 and BIRT v3.7.1. I'm developing a report for the INCIDENT application. When I run below query I get the result in SQL Developer but the same doesn't work in BIRT.  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>select description from ((SELECT SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(classificationid, '\') path,classstructureid,description  FROM classstructure START WITH classificationid = 'CIROOT'   CONNECT BY PRIOR classstructureid = parent) t1 inner join(select c.classstructureid,to_char(reportdate,'MM') months,count(c.classstructureid) cnt,(sum((coalesce((actualfinish-reportdate)*24,0))))/coalesce(count(c.classstructureid),0) MTR from incident i,ci c where i.status in ('CLOSED','RESOLVED') and i.internalpriority in (1,2)  and (i.failurecode='DATABASE' or i.failurecode='SERVICE')  and extract(year from i.reportdate)= '2014' and c.cinum = i.cinum group by c.classstructureid,to_char(reportdate,'MM'))t2 on t1.classstructureid=t2.classstructureid)</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Any help is much appreciated.</p>


  • <p>Have you tried displaying your sqlText in the header of the report?</p>
  • <p>If you add debugging options on the report header</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>What errors do you see when you try to preview the report?</p>
  • wwilliams
    edited September 3, 2014 #4
    <p>Did you remark out?  + " where " + params["where"].</p>
    <p>I just am wondering if this is the last line in your open method. If so your sql will have an additional where. where 1=1 after your group by...</p>
    <pre class="_prettyXprint">
    group by c.classstructureid,to_char(reportdate,'MM'))t2 on t1.classstructureid=t2.classstructureid)
    WHERE 1=1
  • <p>Good catch.</p>