Border Color of Table footer (Row and Cells)

Eric Davis
edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
<p>I'm trying to change the border color of a table footer to white (basically to get rid of the border), but when I run the report, it's a black border. I've tried various colors and they all seem to work except for white. Any suggestions?</p>


  • <p>Why not just remove the border all together?</p>
  • <p>Tried that, Deselected all of the outlines. Doesn't seem to make a difference.</p>
  • <p>Can you provide an example I can run?</p>
  • <p>Sure. I'll make one up with the sample data. I'm not allowed to send anything directly related to the company. Give me a few minutes.</p>
  • Eric Davis
    edited April 14, 2017 #6
    <p>Here you go</p>
  • <p>I see you are using commercial BIRT and by default you are using the default theme. If you put a label in the footer (so that the footer has a size), then go in to the cells of the footer and set the borders to none (make sure the inherited notation disappears). You will find that there is no border between the cells but there still appears to be a border around the footer. The reason is the the row above has a border and the whole table has a border. If you remove the border for the table as well you will get what I think you want. See attached.</p>
  • <p>What you sent works great, but when I try it, Inherited never disappears, and I can't change the property.</p>