Connection Failed & Unable to connect TeamSite


when i try to switch from CC Pro to teamsite, administration console and Estudio I am getting below error message. But Couldn't find any errors in the Log.
"Could not contact TeamSite UI Application. Please confirm with your system administrator that it is installed, and that the service is available according to its logs."
Also when i access teamsite, administration console and Estudio by using its URL then I am getting below error message:
404 Connection Failed
iwproxy was unable to open a connection to: localhost:81
Reason: Bad file descriptor.



  • Always put some details in your posts, including OS and TS version.

    So CCPRO works but not admin console ? Is it installed ? Is the war deployed ?

    The second issue is that he external webserver (typically Apache or IIS) is not running on port 81, you can check that. Apache is not typically configured to autostart and you will need to do that.

  • Hi,

    I am using Windows 2012 R2 with TeamSite 16.4 Version
    Yes CCPro only works and not able to access Admin Console, E-Studio & TeamSite. While Switching I am getting the Error Message. Also While Try to access TeamSite & AdminConsole Directory I am getting Connection Failed Error.

    While Installing the TeamSite, we haven't received any error. I can see blow files under ApplicationContainer\deployment
    14 iw-preview.war.deployed

    How to Re-install the Estudio, TeamSite & Administrative Console if its not installed (or) Failed

    We have installed Apache by default configuration, The Apache is running (Do we need to change the Listening Port from 80 to 81 in Apache?).


  • Now when you tried to get to eStudio or Admin UI, is that when you get the iwproxy error?

    You should only see that error when you are trying to preview content.

    Try these URLs (replacing your system name):


    If you are really seeing the iwproxy error, then your apache rewrites or links appear to be hosed.

    Put the URL you go to, and what it resolves to.

  • it looks like you're missing several .war / .ear files in the deployments folder. TeamSiteUI and Admin UI both need iw-wcmweb.ear. I would recommend verifying that EStudio/Admin Console are installed ("completed") in your inventory.xml file first. There should also be an estudio.war and wcm-service.war. All of the .war and .ear folders should have a matching marker file (.deployed when successful; see the readme in the deployments directory).

  • jponnu
    edited April 2, 2019 #6

    Thanks a Lot for your valuable inputs to identifying the root-cause.
    While using port 8080 I am getting 404 - Not Found message only. Seems to be estudio, teamsite & Admin console not installed properly. However, I didnt get any failed/errors during the installation.


    Verified inventory.xml file and it says listed components are installed. But couldnt find some ear/war file. Kindly please assist me how to deploy estudio.war & wcm-service.war manually.


  • INSTALLED is different from COMPLETED. They need to all say COMPLETED:

    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="FoundationLibraries16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="ApplicationContainer16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="CommonServices16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="CommonServicesClient16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="TeamSite16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="WCMService16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="CSSDKSoapServices16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="CoreFramework16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="TeamSiteUI16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="WorkFlowModeler16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="InterwovenAdministrationConsole16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="ExperienceStudio16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="LiveSiteCSAuth16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="OpenDeployBaseServer16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="Mobile16.">
    <Component status="COMPLETED" id="AppService16.">

    You need get the log: Interwoven/iwinstall/logs/installer.log
    and see where it failed. I'd open a ticket with support.

TeamSite Developer Resources

  • Docker Automation

  • LiveSite Content Services (LSCS) REST API

  • Single Page Application (SPA) Modules

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