The developer aviator provides a way to copy generated source to clipboard. Problem: it is not clear whether the 'copy to clipboard' action is done as there is no feedback. Proposal: provide some kind of visual feedback that the 'copy to clipboard' action was done. Some ideas: show a visual note in the right bottom corner,…
Question: How do I create a trait? The code generated shows to use the apiBaseUrl. This variable is used to create the complete url. I would expect that the code has the complete urlpath to the service, meaning /cms/trait-definitions/…, instead I have to provide the service part (cms in this case) in the apiBaseUrl.…
Question: How do I create a trait? When the Developer Aviator gives code to create a trait, that code refers to systemName. As I don't know the traits api the term systemName is unclear to me. Proposal: explain what systemName is in the comment, and that is has the namespace prefix with trait name.
Question: What are the Core SaaS Apps? Answer given by chatbot: The answer gives multiple apps, but the link at the end only is for Core Case.. why only one link, and why the link for Core Case? Are Core Content or the other apps less important? Proposal: only provide a link when that covers all parts of the answer.
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