TTSObjectCreateRequest Question


I am working with a client who is trying to create a text to speech template using (TTSObjectCreateRequest) . They are receiving a status code = 1; and status message = “Invalid level found in request”. 


Would you be able to advise what might be happening?


Thank you,


Jack Nightingale


  • Jack


    I have attached a TTSCreateObject sample. The error being received is being caused by the ownership not being specified as below:

      <ns1:TTSObjectId ownership="user" objKind="sos_tts">ZorroTTS</ns1:TTSObjectId>

    Have them refer to the sample.


    The TTS itself has to be SSML, not just plain text. If they do not know SSML, they can create it on MyPortal, preview it there and then cut and paste into the Request. If they are going to use the same TTS, it would be easiest to just save on my portal.


    They will also have to allow time for the TTSCreateObject to complete before doing the JobSubmit in which they specify it.


    I have also attached a JobSubmit TTS sample, have them note the remark in the DocData if they are passing in a CSV file.



  • Hi,

     i am not able to login Myportal.then how to create Template in my login not working.





  • The credentials, User ID and Password, that you use to do a submit to the API are the same ones for the corresponding MyPortal for that system. It sounds like you are using the wrong URL.

    You should confirm the URL and credentials with Jack.
