Hi! I'm trying to retrieve a list of fax numbers from opentext (fax2mail). I've already loaded up the wsdl for ListRetrieve. Below is a snippet of my source code:
Request header = new Request();
Request.Authentication auth = new Request.Authentication();
// Create XDDSAuthType which is the object that holds the user credentials (username, password, alias)
XDDSAuthType xddsAuth = new XDDSAuthType();
// create UIDType for username
UIDType uidType = new UIDType();
ListRetrieveRequest requestParameter = new ListRetrieveRequest();
Holder<ListRetrieveResult> responseParameter = new Holder<>();
Holder<Response> responseHeader = new Holder<>();
try {
new ListRetrieveService().getListRetrievePort().listRetrieve(requestParameter, header, responseParameter, responseHeader);
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("listservice exception: " + e.getMessage());
I'm getting an exception here: Client received SOAP Fault from server: Error in parsing Please see the server log to find more detail regarding exact cause of the failure.
The documentation for EasyLink isn't user friendly. I wish there's an overview page where there will be a demonstration on how to call the services. Also a documentation on the ListID does not exist anymore:
_** Identifies the stored list to be retrieved. See ListIdType.**_
When I click on the ListIdType, it takes me to another page explaining you've moved to a new forum. But when I click on the site specified in the here text, it says Permission Problem. I don't have permission to do that.
For the ListRetrieveRequest, I didn't fill up the 3 optional parameters since I just want to try first if I can retrieve the list of fax numbers. Also, I don't know what to put for the ListIdType because the documentation does not exist. Can you guide me on how to make a successful pull of all the fax numbers from my fax2mail list (of fax numbers)?