Camera API Access on the AppWorks Clients (cordova plugins etc.)


Hi All,

Can anyone point me in the direction of any sample code or documentation for accessing the Camera Api under the IOS and android Appworks Clients? I've tried using the standard syntax as per the following but have done so with little success: .

Also does anyone know how to list out the cordova plugins and versions that are baked in to the ios and android Appworks Clients?

Many thanks,
- Morgan


  • Hi Morgan,

    We don't support the use of third-party Cordova plugins, but the standard Cordova APIs should mostly work. I have asked the AppWorks client expert for further comments.


  • The AppWorks clients for iOS and Android come bundled with Apache Cordova 3.1. You should be able to access the camera and all other functionality using the standard cordova calls.

    Make sure that you include a reference to cordova in your file:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>

  • Also, check out the AppWorks and Apache Cordova article to download the Cordova Mobile Spec app.

  • Thanks Werner. That article and download is exactly what i was looking for.