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How to upload or download documents from ongoing Workflow?
Hello everyone, We're trying to achieve a functionality where we need to extract or add documents to an ongoing workflow. Basically download/upload a Node from the Attachments Folder. We've experimented with draft processes where we managed to get the ID of the Attachments Folder where we accessed some default documents…
Content Server 16.2 REST API Workflow
Greetings- Does anyone know if the latest REST api supports updating workflow process data? Similar to the UpdateProcessData method in CWS. Been reviewing the api reference but nothing jumped out at me. Thanks!
What are where_column_query valid standard column values?
Hello, For GET /v2/businessworkspaces REST API there is a parameter "where_column_query". I understand about custom column usage here, but can we use this parameter also for standard (system default) columns such as creation date, creator, modify date, etc.? I've tried multiple values, but none of them seems to work for…
Fax callback API with incorrect Content_Type
ID is configured at the account level for a callback API with application/json format. This functionality is working. However, for job_id xsi-1507269286, the content_type of the callback api request payload is text/xml;charset=UTF-8, which is causing the callback response to not be processed. The…
Available authorizations Server
I have made my organization on us server but the only available server available are na servers and every time i try to autherize api i get authentication error, is it due to different servers or i am entering my creds wrong?
How to consume the API 'VAS4_ILC_QUERY_CDS'
Hi Experts, We are using Opentext to process supplier invoices in SAP. Need to call the API "VAS4_ILC_QUERY_CDS" from external system to get the supplier invoice data from SAP. Need help on how to consume this API and how to test it using Postman. Thanks, Sagar
Unable to generate OTCS token through Rest API Python Script
Hi All, i was trying to generate OTCS token so that i can authenticate and write a script for business workspace creation. Through postman i tested the API and works fine. Referring to that, i wrote a python script. I can see that authentication or token generation is not happening. am posting my code below.As i am pretty…
The image file uploaded via the API is marked as "NOT SPECIFIED".
Hi All, Thanks for previous help. I have another issue. I uploaded the image successfully but it was marked as "NOT SPECIFIED". Below are the parameters I sent. --form parent_folder_id="****" --form manifest={"upload_manifest":{"master_files":[{"files": [{"file_name": "test.jpg","file_type": "image/jpeg"}]}]}} --form…
Using the REST API, Can a fax status update be returned via webhook callback and email.
Our team is looking to get a report sent to the email id if passed in the request payload of the REST API fax request. We expect the webhook callback URL call (Json) and Email (user friendly format) in this scenario. Please let us know if this is not a right understanding of how the reports will work. For example: The…
Is rest API configured in Content Server 16.2.11 by default?
We are looking accessing Infolink resources through Rest API. Is that configured In Content Server 16.2.11 by default and how would you configure a user account to use it?
OAuth 2.0 - Client Credentials Flow + Permissions
Whenever a new OAuth Client is created in OTDS, assuming the global option is selected, are there any restictions to the data that can be requested through the REST API? Calls to the nodes resource are not returning expected data.
We are utilizing eDOCS/API vers 16.7.2 When add documents via Rest API, file created as zero bytes
I have a java program that is utilizing the eDOCS API vers 16.7.2, when uploading a file via Swagger it works fine and the document is created successfully, it is unlocked (no red mark on thumbnail) and its not zero bytes. However, when I attempt to add a document via my java class, the document is created, however the…
how to create asset by API
Hi All, I need to perform a test for creating assets in Postman, but after making a POST request, I receive the following error in the response: "message": "Invalid parameter value was specified. "debug_message": "Asset data should be specified.", I reference this page but I don't know what I did wrong. Below are the…
XM Fax API access to inbound routing table
Is there a means to read the rules of the inbound routing table, short of screen scraping? My aim is to automatically identify directory fax number assignments that are shadowed by inbound routing rules. Or perhaps someone has a better idea? Suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Tech Eval XM for Synchrony Financial API question
Customer is evaluating XM and coding to the SOAP API. They are requesting direction for the following: "Our requirement is to get one fax at a time preferably in First In First Out order like a Queue. Then we delete the fax after our getting the data. It will be helpful to if someone can point us to right method or an…
Integrating Issue with OpenText using Outsystem Platform Application
Hello Community Peeps, I am using Outsytems Platform Application to integrate with OpenText Extended ECM Content Server. The REST API that I am consuming is (POST | /v2/nodes) with the intent of uploading a document to Opentext. On the Outsystems Platform Application, the REST API is consumed with the request format of…
How would I use the REST api to create a node with xrefs in one call?
I seem to be able to run the query on the nodes endpoint with the following body: { type: 144, parent_id: 48061438, name: 'test', roles: { categories: { '25953013_3': ['aaa'], '25953013_2': ['bbb'], '25953013_4': ['ccc'] }, xrefs: { xref_type: "XREF", xref_id: 2829282882 } } } But the server responds with an error noting…
is there a documentation that explains all the status error code? below is an example { "status": 1013, "error": "Not a OTDS SSO ticket", "error_details": null }
RM REST API operations doesn't work with RM Classifications of Related Business workspaces.
Hi, I am trying to Get/add/remove RM classification applied on "Related Business workspaces" using Records Management REST API. However I receive an "error": "Could not process object, type 'Related Business Workspaces' has no role 'rmclassifications'". From Web, I am able to add and remove RM Classification on this object…
Could not process object, type 'Entity Folder' has no role 'classifications'
Hi, When I'm trying to assign a classification to Custom objects via web its working fine, but when I'm trying to do the same with Rest Api its not working and giving me below error. Could not process object, type 'Entity Folder' has no role 'classifications' While I'm invoking same request for Managed Objects its also…