AWG Application acess issue from Bluestack (Unauthorized User)
I wanted to create mobile app using AWG. For that I have installed CS10.5 and OTDS 10.5 installed on server.
Further I have installed Pulse module and Tempo Box CS service and have created DB links required for the CS service using CS administration on admin page. Next I have created new DB as “otag” on MS SQL 2012 sp1 by referring Oracle Guide for AWG DB creation (
Next I have installed AppWorks 1.2.1 on server successfully and configured using newly created otag database and existing OTDS 10.5
I have amended Server.xml file for Global Resources settings as below
And created Trusted connection using otadmin@otds.admin. Have installed Bluestack to access application. Now when I am trying to access CS10 demo App installed on AWG from Bluestack its giving me error as "Unauthorized User" when trying to access Enterprise/Personal Workspace.
Note- I am able to access CS10.5 environment /AWG using same user credentials, howoever via application its throwing error.
I think I am doing some mistake around CS10 Demo app Configuration.
Can anyone help me with this to understand where I am doing mistake in Configuration?
Also now I am unable to access AWG using users created within Otag partition in OTDS. only CS10.5 user can access, Is there any way to access AWG using those users as well?
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