How to use OTDS 16 RESTful API?
- Request a OTCSTicket from api/v1/auth
- Attach the header ("OTCSTicket","{returned token from step 1}").
- Make your requests as you would with any other Rest API.
The Swagger documentation for the Content Server API is really good. I suggest that you start there.
Content Server V2 API Documentation.
Learning the general structure of the data was a little more of a challenge. Basically everything you see in the Content Server UI is a "node". Pretty much every request you send will involve a node id. This can be gained from using the api/v2/search?where={search term}&limit=1. You will then use the ID in the response. There are other ways of obtaining a Node ID I am sure but that is how I am using it. Once you have the Node ID you have access to a lot of the functionality.
The API is extremely robust. It has all the paging, sorting, and filtering built in. You can limit the amount of fields you want by passing &fields={desired fields} and you can even limit the properties that are returned on individual fields by making a call like &fields=desiredField{property1, property2} which is really helpful at reducing the amount of data that is returned.
I suggest you download Postman and just play around in the Swagger documentation.
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