Could not login with cookie


I'm trying to use les/webservices  from an ABAP program.  Program is well written and it works perfectly almost any time. It perform the authentication and then use the token to call 2-3 methods (createfolder, createdocument, etc..). 

Problem happens apparently with no reason. From a specific  moment, the webservices can not be called  and the log report the error "Could not login with cookie". It seems that the authentication token is no more valid and I do not understand the reason. I continue to try and then....from a specific moment it works again.

Is there any policy on OpenText on simultaneous calls (program is called 30-40 times sequentially) ?

Is there any policy on the authorization token ?  Maybe a user can ask a restricted number of tokens ?


Please help.







  • Hi Roberto,

    I'm not sure I clearly understand what is going on.  Are you generating a new authentication token each time you call the 2 or 3 methods?  Or are you just using the same token after authenticating once?  Can you elaborate on what exactly is being done from the time you first authenticate until you get the error?
    It sounds like the authentication token may have expired, which would give you the "Could not login with cookie" error.  Have you tried to re-authenticate (ie. generating a new authentication token) after getting the error?
    The policy for web service tokens is the same as the browser cookie policy (almost).  The only difference is that if you have your cookie policy to expire X minutes after the last request this will not apply for web service authentication tokens since they are not updated after each call.
    Also, can you tell me what version you are using? 9.7.1? or 10.0.0?
  • Version of OT is 9.7.1 and problem has been solved.

    Solution is to perform an authentiction before any method call. I know that it is not the best way to proceed but it was the only one working for us. 


    Thanks for replies.

  • Kyle_Swidrovich
    Kyle_Swidrovich E Community Moderator

    Quoted Roberto Compagnino ( on 2011/07/13 16:52:

    Version of OT is 9.7.1 and problem has been solved.

    Solution is to perform an authentiction before any method call. I know that it is not the best way to proceed but it was the only one working for us. 


    Thanks for replies.


    Hi Roberto,

    Depending on the call you are making, the most efficient solution would probably be to only reauthenticate if you encounter an error tied to an expired token for any web service call and retry.  However, for certain calls that provide large payloads (like uploading a document), it may be more efficient to simply request a new authentication token prior to performing the action.


  • I think your cookie expiration period is set very low (a few minutes perhaps). Increase the period to allow a longer period for uploading your documents.



    Hi. I want to control the response of error "Could not login with cookie". Do you have any error codes ?


    thanks in advance

  • Does it not send you one or are you trying to make a client application listing all possible error codes like in a error dictionary?
    If you put debug=2 ,wanlapilogs=true  on livelink's opentext.ini
    or increase the debugging in your Web.Config on the WSAPI server more verbose errors can be trapped.

    Well, if I called the wrongnumber, why did you answer the phone?
    James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937

    On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 6:26 AM, eLink Entry: Content Web Services Forum <> wrote:
    Could not login with cookie Posted byGarcia Simon, David MOn 05/03/2016 07:24 AM
    Hi. I want to control the response of error "Could not login with cookie". Do you have any error codes ?


    thanks in advance

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