Customize eLink message from workflow


We are looking to modify the text/contents of the auto-generated emails that eLink sends to users. There was an older forum post that we attempted to reference, but there wasn't much detail behind it. Below is the post:

Can anyone assist in how this can be accomplished? We would like to know what exact eLink oSpace would need to be modified. Any example code would help as well.





  • I haven't looked at this for very long, but the module is the Elink module. You may not need to hack the ospace. In that module, in the html folder are a series of files that end with "-txt.html"  Those appear to be the mail templates. I would start there before you go to editing/patching the eLink ospace.


  • Hi Hugh,

    We started looking at the '-txt.html' files under the eLink's html folder. We don't see the messages, but we see what appears to be a variable that holds the value. One such example is below:


    Do you know if this is stored in the oScript or somewhere else? Presumably whatever the message is behind this variable is what we would like to change.



  • [ELINK_HTMLLABEL.Reason] this kind is what is called a XLATE stands for localization/internationalization.

    So if you search by brute force using builder or CSIDE you will see that.

    In the same place the elink.oll exists there will be a  provided you re running a english us livelink service pack.

    When th oscript code encounters a condition where it has to spit out a meaningful message 

    a english language user may see  Reason\:

    a french person will see the value from the french and so on.

    BTW: Usually nobody will change OT code by brute force,there are tools such as customizations_rt,otoverride,htmlmap etc.
    Sometimes changing core ospaces will render the system unusable so please make up a back up before you play with oscript :)

    So if your intent was to change Reason into something else no harm in changing that string correctly in properties.Downside is
    if some other was piggy backing on that they will see that as well.

    Well, if I called the wrongnumber, why did you answer the phone?
    James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937

    On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 2:41 PM, eLink Entry: Content Server Development Forum <> wrote:
    Customize eLink message from workflow Posted byWelsh, KevinOn 05/03/2016 03:38 PM
    Hi Hugh,We started looking at the '-txt.html' files under the eLink's html folder. We don't see the messages, but we see what appears to be a variable that holds the value. One such example is below:[ELINK_HTMLLABEL.Reason]Do you know if this is stored in the oScript or somewhere else? Presumably whatever the message is behind this variable is what we would like to change.Regards,Kevin
    [To post a comment, use the normal reply function]Topic:Customize eLink message from workflowForum:Content Server Development ForumContent Server:Knowledge Center

  • Quoted eLink on 05/04/2016 08:03 AM:
    [ELINK_HTMLLABEL.Reason] this kind is what is called a XLATE stands for localization/internationalization.
    So if you search by brute force using builder or CSIDE you will see that.
    In the same place the elink.oll exists there will be a  provided you re running a english us livelink service pack.
    When th oscript code encounters a condition where it has to spit out a meaningful message 
    a english language user may see  Reason\:
    a french person will see the value from the french and so on.
    BTW: Usually nobody will change OT code by brute force,there are tools such as customizations_rt,otoverride,htmlmap etc.
    Sometimes changing core ospaces will render the system unusable so please make up a back up before you play with oscript :)
    So if your intent was to change Reason into something else no harm in changing that string correctly in properties.Downside is
    if some other was piggy backing on that they will see that as well.
    We found the in the ospace folder controls the 'Reason' text that we are looking for. But specifically we're looking to edit the message that comes after the reason text. This appears to be somewhere within the oScript, but we're having difficulty finding it through debug. Do you or anyone else know where in oScript this can be found? The exact message "Could Not Start Task" we're looking to edit is below:
    The system was unable to complete your request for the task <Step Name> in the workflow <Workflow Name>
    Reason: Could not Start Task.

    Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
    James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
    On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 2:41 PM, eLink Entry: Content Server Development Forum <> wrote:
    Customize eLink message from workflow   Posted by Welsh, Kevin On 05/03/2016 03:38 PM

    Hi Hugh,

    We started looking at the '-txt.html' files under the eLink's html folder. We don't see the messages, but we see what appears to be a variable that holds the value. One such example is below:


    Do you know if this is stored in the oScript or somewhere else? Presumably whatever the message is behind this variable is what we would like to change.



    [To post a comment, use the normal reply function]
    Topic: Customize eLink message from workflow
    Forum: Content Server Development Forum
    Content Server: Knowledge Center

  • From your posting it is not clear to me whether you know livelink programming or for that matter Oscript,
    but am looking at just getting this done for your customer whether internal or not.
    1. Try to learn Oscript using a classroom setting.It will help you in the long run if livelink is to be in your organization.The Script part makes it look like it is kind alike javascript or lightweight whereas it is not.
    2. Oscript can be self taught provided you spend hours on almost available and unavailable documentation.
    3. Oscript's IDE is now superceded by a Eclipse plugin so supposedly it was done to encourage new developers who would like intellisense and what not.For old timers like me builder was perfectly fine.
    4. You should get a quote from OT PSO on the cost it would take for this,then if you cannot afford that try to find a hobby/private  oScripter. If you can't find them write to me I will suggest a few.There are a  lot of people who would do perfect and better coding like OT PSO does.
    5. I don't use elink so it is not possible for me to further trouble shoot.I do like a challenge when I see it but elink takes a lot of setup for which I don't have time.
    6. I would have used the standard mail step /XML WF mail step and rigged up the message or like everything in OT nowadays used WebReports (Isn't that the proper API now a days?)to mimic a friendlier message like Tammy suggested. Most email clients and step instructions know how to interpret html and I have created links etc in that.Perhaps if you look at a elink message it will look like elwf.<workid><subworkid>@&lt;yourelinkdomain>.com perhaps if you are creative enough you could create your own mail mimicing what that does.Try to put fiddler on when you are submitting one like a network trace.
    While this is not what you are looking for at least some of the facts as I see it :)

    Well, if I called the wrongnumber, why did you answer the phone?
    James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937

    On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 8:06 AM, eLink Entry: Content Server Development Forum <> wrote:
    Re Customize eLink message from workflow Posted byWelsh, KevinOn 05/04/2016 09:03 AM
    Quoted eLink on 05/04/2016 08:03 AM:

    [ELINK_HTMLLABEL.Reason] this kind is what is called a XLATE stands for localization/internationalization.
    So if you search by brute force using builder or CSIDE you will see that.
    In the same place the elink.oll exists there will be a  provided you re running a english us livelink service pack.
    When th oscript code encounters a condition where it has to spit out a meaningful message 
    a english language user may see  Reason\:
    a french person will see the value from the french and so on.
    BTW: Usually nobody will change OT code by brute force,there are tools such as customizations_rt,otoverride,htmlmap etc.
    Sometimes changing core ospaces will render the system unusable so please make up a back up before you play with oscript :)
    So if your intent was to change Reason into something else no harm in changing that string correctly in properties.Downside is
    if some other was piggy backing on that they will see that as well.
    We found the in the ospace folder controls the 'Reason' text that we are looking for. But specifically we're looking to edit the message that comes after the reason text. This appears to be somewhere within the oScript, but we're having difficulty finding it through debug. Do you or anyone else know where in oScript this can be found? The exact message "Could Not Start Task" we're looking to edit is below:
    The system was unable to complete your request for the task <Step Name> in the workflow <Workflow Name>
    Reason: Could not Start Task.

    Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
    James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
    On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 2:41 PM, eLink Entry: Content Server Development Forum <> wrote:
    Customize eLink message from workflow   Posted by Welsh, Kevin On 05/03/2016 03:38 PM

    Hi Hugh,

    We started looking at the '-txt.html' files under the eLink's html folder. We don't see the messages, but we see what appears to be a variable that holds the value. One such example is below:


    Do you know if this is stored in the oScript or somewhere else? Presumably whatever the message is behind this variable is what we would like to change.



    [To post a comment, use the normal reply function]
    Topic: Customize eLink message from workflow
    Forum: Content Server Development Forum
    Content Server: Knowledge Center

    [To post a comment, use the normal reply function]
    Topic:Customize eLink message from workflow
    Forum:Content Server Development Forum
    Content Server:Knowledge Center
  • In looking at some of the oScript code in the eLink module, I noticed that there are two message "tags" that are used frequently in the code to indicate either an error message or a standard message. These are ELINK_ERRMSG.**** and ELINK_HTMLLABEL.**** which are defined in the file in the oSpace folder. I would expect there would be a ELINK_ERRMSG entry with the "Could Not Start Task" text, but I can't find it.

    Presumably if I can find the actual text, I would be able to search the oScript for that "tag" and then I would know which oScript to modify, if needed.

    This seems odd to me why this text is not found in the .properties file? Is this a possible issue with eLink?

  • Assuming you are a starter and want to learn more I found the [ELINK_HTMLLABEL.Reason] in the file called workflowiniterror-email.html
    or workflowusersteperror-email.html 
    So if you have builder or CSIDE and wanting to try this one can put Scheduler.DebugBreak() like this;
    ;;webscript void WorkflowUserStepError( Frame session, Assoc data )
    <!-- File: workflowusersteperror.html -->

    You can also just put ;echo("DATA THAT WAS PASSED IN****************"+data)

    my idea being if there is any useful data(it is a data structure probably not a simple varaiable) that you could use in there.

    In normal debugging cases one finds it easy because the calling stack can be observed and one can go back to where one can trap the messages etc.
    Now this should break at that script when builder is running or the livelink server is replaced by that debugger
    Don't do this in production because when elink agent runs and it finds the break in there it will get replaced by a "trace" file
    However your task becomes very very complicated because elink activities are done by a scheduler.Now agents don't run with 
    debugger turned on so     so you would need to find how to get into that mode.

    Apologies to the best of Oscripters who is now raring to kill me....
    My intention is to make him a satisfied OT customer.All good intentions....


    Well, if I called the wrongnumber, why did you answer the phone?
    James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937

    On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 8:50 AM, eLink Entry: Content Server Development Forum <> wrote:
    Re Re Customize eLink message from workflow Posted byeLinkOn 05/04/2016 09:49 AM
    From your posting it is not clear to me whether you know livelink programming or for that matter Oscript,but am looking at just getting this done for your customer whether internal or not.
    1. Try to learn Oscript using a classroom setting.It will help you in the long run if livelink is to be in your organization.The Script part makes it look like it is kind alike javascript or lightweight whereas it is not.
    2. Oscript can be self taught provided you spend hours on almost available and unavailable documentation.
    3. Oscript's IDE is now superceded by a Eclipse plugin so supposedly it was done to encourage new developers who would like intellisense and what not.For old timers like me builder was perfectly fine.
    4. You should get a quote from OT PSO on the cost it would take for this,then if you cannot afford that try to find a hobby/private  oScripter. If you can't find them write to me I will suggest a few.There are a  lot of people who would do perfect and better coding like OT PSO does.
    5. I don't use elink so it is not possible for me to further trouble shoot.I do like a challenge when I see it but elink takes a lot of setup for which I don't have time.
    6. I would have used the standard mail step /XML WF mail step and rigged up the message or like everything in OT nowadays used WebReports (Isn't that the proper API now a days?)to mimic a friendlier message like Tammy suggested. Most email clients and step instructions know how to interpret html and I have created links etc in that.Perhaps if you look at a elink message it will look like elwf.<workid><subworkid>@&lt;yourelinkdomain>.com perhaps if you are creative enough you could create your own mail mimicing what that does.Try to put fiddler on when you are submitting one like a network trace.
    While this is not what you are looking for at least some of the facts as I see it :)

    Well, if I called the wrongnumber, why did you answer the phone?
    James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937

    On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 8:06 AM, eLink Entry: Content Server Development Forum <> wrote:
    Re Customize eLink message from workflow Posted byWelsh, KevinOn 05/04/2016 09:03 AM
    Quoted eLink on 05/04/2016 08:03 AM:

    [ELINK_HTMLLABEL.Reason] this kind is what is called a XLATE stands for localization/internationalization.
    So if you search by brute force using builder or CSIDE you will see that.
    In the same place the elink.oll exists there will be a  provided you re running a english us livelink service pack.
    When th oscript code encounters a condition where it has to spit out a meaningful message 
    a english language user may see  Reason\:
    a french person will see the value from the french and so on.
    BTW: Usually nobody will change OT code by brute force,there are tools such as customizations_rt,otoverride,htmlmap etc.
    Sometimes changing core ospaces will render the system unusable so please make up a back up before you play with oscript :)
    So if your intent was to change Reason into something else no harm in changing that string correctly in properties.Downside is
    if some other was piggy backing on that they will see that as well.
    We found the in the ospace folder controls the 'Reason' text that we are looking for. But specifically we're looking to edit the message that comes after the reason text. This appears to be somewhere within the oScript, but we're having difficulty finding it through debug. Do you or anyone else know where in oScript this can be found? The exact message "Could Not Start Task" we're looking to edit is below:
    The system was unable to complete your request for the task <Step Name> in the workflow <Workflow Name>
    Reason: Could not Start Task.

    Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
    James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
    On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 2:41 PM, eLink Entry: Content Server Development Forum <> wrote:
    Customize eLink message from workflow   Posted by Welsh, Kevin On 05/03/2016 03:38 PM

    Hi Hugh,

    We started looking at the '-txt.html' files under the eLink's html folder. We don't see the messages, but we see what appears to be a variable that holds the value. One such example is below:


    Do you know if this is stored in the oScript or somewhere else? Presumably whatever the message is behind this variable is what we would like to change.



    [To post a comment, use the normal reply function]
    Topic: Customize eLink message from workflow
    Forum: Content Server Development Forum
    Content Server: Knowledge Center

    [To post a comment, use the normal reply function]
    Topic:Customize eLink message from workflow
    Forum:Content Server Development Forum
    Content Server:Knowledge Center

    [To post a comment, use the normal reply function]
    Topic:Customize eLink message from workflow
    Forum:Content Server Development Forum
    Content Server:Knowledge Center
  • The article you posted eLink helped us immensely, thank you! We were able to debug the oScript and find what we needed.