Change the default URL for SmartView

Hi All

Is there a way to change the default URL of Smart View to navigate to the http:///otcs/llisapi.dll/app/ instead of http:///otcs/llisapi.dll/app/nodes/2000

Vijhay Devarajan.


  • I just pointed my DEV server's CGI instead of the typical inetpub\wwwroot and my SmartUI started responding as http://localhost/livelink.exe/app/nodes/2000 this URL also responds for me http://localhost/livelink.exe/app

    I doubt if OT would not work with any IIS or LB URL's you can think of the real thing is the livelink.exe and llisapi.dll should be addresseable it should not get a no website error that is all. I have done many other tweaks with IIS using URL Rewrite and so on but dont quite understand what you are after. Once I am in SmartUI if I get the home icon I get shown the URL ending in /app as you want...

    Or are you trying to make the RESTAPI URL that shows up when you click the smartview not expose the node info like 2000 and so on...