Develop to change archive's names after using Object Exporter


Hello everyone,
Recently we made a migration of documents with the Object Exporter tool in a Content Server 10.0. This tool extract the metadata with the name of the archive in a txt file and the content of the archive in xml aside. We want to know, if it's possible, to develop with some tool the method to rename the files in xml with the name stored in this txt file. Thanks for all!


  • OE gives you files that are supposed to be consumed with Object Importer Have you see @Bryan Gerlach 's contribution here

  • Yes but the problem is that this migration it's made to move the documents to another plataform. I take a look for the link you share me, thank you

  • Or essentially if the files from OE is already in CS with a name you want to rename one can develop a program similar to power shell or WR that will for each file in CS that has the wrong name lookup the correct name in your xml and do the rename. I don't understand fully the post as usually if a File existed as MyDoc in the old CS , if it is imported with OI it would still be called MyDoc in the same hierarchy unless you tweaked the XML

  • I want to do exactly the same that's in this discussion We want to made the migration with the OE and retain the original names because this archives will be upload to another system. I will test the solution that's in this other post

  • So is there a problem? OE is an XML Manifest +Files in a structure like this
    see the OI XML I show there as an example

    any XML Knowing Developer will be able to get this tag appropriately
    <![CDATA[Enterprise:Finance:Vendor Correspondence:22222222:Miscellaneous]]>
    <![CDATA[22222222-New Vendor Test-Oct-07-2010 13-02-18]]>

    so the file in LL will be called **22222222-New Vendor Test-Oct-07-2010 13-02-18 **under that hierarchy and the file is under the
    hierarchy in your bundle like this <![CDATA[**C:\Livelink Migration\0000000157**]]>

    If you do not like what you get out of OE and would like to change it you have to know and program in Oscript or find a resource who can help you with it but any good programmer who knows how to read a tag in xml should be able to piece the info together

    Incidentally, OT produced OI first to suck files into the system and later changed the code to use xml parser . Object Exporter came later
    Usually, it is intended for use between CS systems but I have used it in other contexts also.

  • That script should do the job then. Few years ago we had to provide a ton of files to a third party without CS, so I wrote that quickly to create bat files without me having to manually fix file names. Hopefully it's self explanatory and works for you

  • @Luca Scarlato, since you posted to the CSIDE forum...another option is to customize OE so it writes out the filename you want. Then once OE runs you are done, no further processing is needed. We have done this as well as 1) allow contents of a collection to be exported, and 2) export the node with an action of "AddVersion" instead of create (which allows you to add this content to another CS even if the document already exists), 3) allow you to export all versions of a document vs just the current version.

  • @John Simon it's possible to make this with oscript or tags in the export control file? We plan to make the manual export because we want to extract specific blocks of documents

  • Absolutely Oscript is ultimately capable of doing anything any which way you want. And you have the right person @John Simon for that. In fact, what he posted is exactly what he has code that exports"Collections" which means you as the user can create Collections with Objects you want.

  • @Luca Scarlato, since you posted to the CSIDE forum...another option is to customize OE so it writes out the filename you want. Then once OE runs you are done, no further processing is needed. We have done this as well as 1) allow contents of a collection to be exported, and 2) export the node with an action of "AddVersion" instead of create (which allows you to add this content to another CS even if the document already exists), 3) allow you to export all versions of a document vs just the current version.

    How can this be done for versions of the files?
  • @Monica S - I was talking about a custom oScript module that you would install.  Then you run OE, adding a line (or 2) to the OE control file, and it produces what you want (no post processing required).  If you are wanting to write this yourself I can point you in the right direction, or if you are interested in our module I can get you a demo.