I've observed something with smartUI that seems to have begun around 16.2.10 (because I didn't run into this in CS 16.2.8). If you build the default Hello widget using the generator, in all the JS files, it uses define() to require all of the various artefacts (jquery, Marionette, the HBS template, language etc). However, when I deploy it, I get errors saying that 'define' is undefined. When I replace it with cs.define, it all just works.
Now if I run grunt on the project, I get all kinds of warnings saying that csui.define is, well, not defined. Can anyone help me understand why it is that 'define' in my various smartUI JS files is not recognized, but csui.define is? And if the latter is correct, where do I fix it in the grunt file? I would like to leverage grunt for my smart UI projects as I see the benefit in terms of code quality and build automation.
and BTW, in the grunt task, if you run grunt on your generated app, it always times out when it tries to run Chrome headless. What needs to be in place for this to work? I haven't played around with the testing infrastructure but it occurred to me that this might be why the chrome task is failing.
Thanks in advance