How can I change the Database alone with the same Documentum server

Hi all,
I want to move my database to AWS RDS instead of my local database. So I want the steps to follow to complete the task, I have changed the hostname in tnsnames.ora and listener.ora. But the doc bases actually didn't take the new database and I have a big question that how to replace the dppassword.text with the new password with the encrypted text?
Thanks in advance!!!


  • Just put plain password in dbpassword.txt file and run the password encrypt utility, need to change the values inside <>.
    This will change password as well as encrypt the password in dbpassword.txt file.
      /dm_encrypt_password -docbase <RepositoryName> -rdbms -encrypt <RepositoryNewPassword> -keyname CSaek -passphrase <AEKPassword>
  • Mani Ranganathan
    edited July 15, 2020 #3
    Hi @jainamit
    Thanks <3, I will try the Password encrypt method. But I want to know how to config the AWS RDS hostname in the documentum, I know we need to change in server.ini of the docbases, But is that correct way to edit the server.ini or need to start any installer to update the database?
  • If you are just moving your database, then all you need to do is change the database connection parameter in server.ini.  There is nothing you will need to "install", since you are not changing db (only the location).
  • Thanks to your response @DCTM_Guru,
    Let me try this!

  • Hi @DCTM_Guru
    I have tried to change the server.ini inside the docbases and I am getting the following error:

    Thu Jul 16 00:42:22 2020[DM_STARTUP_W_DOCBASE_OWNER_NOT_FOUND] *** warning *** : The database user, fl_gov as specified by your server.ini is not a valid user as determined using the system password check api.   This will likely severly impair the operation of your docbase.
     Last SQL statement executed by DB was:

    and I have changed the tnsnames.ora host to my aws hostname and I have changed the host inside the listener.ora as well.
  • Hi @DCTM_Guru,
    I have found that I cannot change the key also 
    using this command
    dm_crypto_boot -keyname <KeyFileName> -all -passphrase <Password>

    Please wait. This will take a few seconds ...

    Please wait, this will take a few seconds..
    Setting up the (single) passphrase for all keys in the shared memory region..
    ** Operation failed **

  • Is the database owner still  fl_gov?
  • Hi @DCTM_Guru
    I have created the new docbase for testing purpose and I changed the server.ini DATABASE_CONN = orcl which is the AWS host configured in tnsnames.ora and I have tried to start the docbase and I am facing the following error in the log file

    2020-07-16T05:56:48.510246      13590[13590]    0000000000000000        [DM_SESSION_I_RETRYING_DATABASE_CONNECTION]info:  "The following error was encountered trying to get a database connection:  ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    The server will retry 4 more time(s) (every 30 seconds)."

  • Hi all,
    Issue got resolved by changing the target username and password as the source db,
    Please visit :