Perspective Manager Resizing Widget
we have a perspective with Layout(Flow). In this perspective is 6 widgets 3 on top row and 3 on bottom row. The business wanted to now have 5 widgets and for one of the widgets the height to be the same height as two widgets. Can we change the heights of widgets(eg connected workspace(workspace) widget and if so how do we do it.
we have a perspective with Layout(Flow). In this perspective is 6 widgets 3 on top row and 3 on bottom row. The business wanted to now have 5 widgets and for one of the widgets the height to be the same height as two widgets. Can we change the heights of widgets(eg connected workspace(workspace) widget and if so how do we do it.
@Ferdinand Prantl indicated the below which is to utilise grid layout in smartview ?
I am afraid that you cannot use the flow perspective layout for this, because its point is to not allow changing the widget height and the width only in a limited way. The grid layout is meant for your scenario. It is hidden in Perspective Manager by default, because it is easier to create a bad layout with it. If you want to discuss it in more detail, post this question to the dedicated Smart View forum, please, because it might get too technical for this general forum.
There is a KB article on how to used an advanced launch configuration to enable other layout types like Grid if you want to try it out: As Ferda mentioned, it's possible to arrange widgets in a way that might not look good at all screen sizes with this type so you need to make sure you do appropriate testing of the final layout.1
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