Web Reports: Potential ADDVERSION issue can cause content to be uploaded to wrong documents


I'm trying to find any alternative ways of bypassing a possible issue in WebReport ADDVERSION subtag, if anyone has had also this issue and care to share.

While analyzing a strange and rare occurrence on a solution build around Web Reports where specific document versions where being updated with completely unrelated content. I have observed the following behaviour:

 - In the same second if two threads execute WebReports to add (different) content to two documents with NODEACTION:ADDVER: and the source documents have the same current version name it is not deterministic which document receives which content (this is troublesome as people may see documents they )

To make matters worse additionally one of the threads may receive an error.

I was able to reproduce this behaviour by executing in parallel two webreports that automatically added versions to a document, and at some point i can see the switch in versions 

I have checked the WebReports code and confirmed that what is used to create the temporary binary on OpenText is the version name of the source document and the timestamp of the operation (maybe this code should use the source ID also). 

Now i am looking for any way that can avoid this issue, i have little control on the version naming as is comes from SAP xECM integration.
Anyone has solved this or has mitigation ideas? 
Thank you in advance!


  • Did you log a support ticket for this? Seems like a fairly straight-forward bug that would be easy to fix from our side.
  • Ive just created a support ticket, was looking for a more immediate workaround to avoid these issue that is very compromising in terms of content authorization
    Many tx Ian
  • I can't see an easy workaround unfortunately. I'll keep an eye out for the bug being logged.