Easylink Messaging API - CREF
Hi, I am using Easylink messaging API 2.6 and i need to send multiple values in customer reference parameter. is it possible ?
EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType JS_CRef = new EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType();
JS_CRef.Value = "value";
JS_JobOptions.CustomerReference = JS_CRef; (i need to pass multiple value here like Customer Ref1, Customer Ref2, Customer Ref3)
JS_JobOptions.CustomerReference = JS_CRef; (i need to pass multiple value here like Customer Ref1, Customer Ref2, Customer Ref3)
is any other way to do this ?
Yes, You can send cref1 and cref2 in <JobExtensions>.
Prabhakaran R
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