Display Filter by default using SMART View
Hi all !
Is there a way to force the content filter to automatically display on Smart View? Because in Smart View I must always click the filter icon to show the content filter. Is there another setting to force the content filter to display by default in Smart View? Maybe an option could be setting it in the CODE section in the perspective designer?
{ "type":"csui/widgets/nodestable", "kind":"fullpage", "c_id":"widget-1614343224173", "options":{ "containerId":14981990 } }
Could anyone please give me an hint or an advise ? The target should be like this in the picture above.
All the best and have a wonderful day
Cheers Christian
Hi @Mchoeti
Your post looks similar to this one. I looked up the Feature Request, and it appears to be in state "open" - @Ferdinand Prantl , do you have advice?
0 -
I am afraid that there is no option to open the facet panel by default, neither the last state is remembered. You can file a feature request for it.
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