Using search api for full text query

Hi all,

is it possible to use the search api (REST or SOAP) to perform full-text queries on documents? What is the syntax?

Thanks in advance and regards.


  • Maybe bit late but anyways putting it here for future unless OT decides to make life easy for developers by putting fully baked documentation on site. At the moment, the API documentation is not complete and OT likes to hide old links where documentation was much better

    The new Developer site shows following documentation for search REST API

    No information on request parameters ?

    You can check some old documentation (Swagger UI ( where there are more details

    REST API - POST api/v2/search

    Here's the parameters you can pass

    hope it helps.

  • Vishal_Kashelkar
    edited March 28, 2021 #3

    Okay. I see that for CS 21.4, OT has updated the documentation for search API but decided CS 20.3 does not need the documentation update, strange .?

    and this one has errors too . These parameters are Query parameters not body schema parameters.