Table key lookup field in smartUi widget
Hi I have question. I need to create widget with tkl fields in it but i don't know how. I tried to use lib/src/csui/controls/form/fields/tklfield.view.js
but I can't get it work. I am new to development in smartUI and opentext if some one have some tip how to do it I would really appreciate it thanks.
Field views are created by their Alpaca wrappers, when a form is constructed. There is no example for creating a field view independently on a form.
I recommend you creating a form schema with the TKL fields and then creating a form view with that schema. If you want to learn how a schema of a TKL field looks like, configure a category with it in Classic UI, prepare a node with that category applied and open Properties of that node in Smart UI. You will find the form schema in the response of /api/v1/forms/nodes/update.
This is an example of a form with a single boolean field:
// Backbone - csui/lib/backbone // Marionette - csui/lib/marionette // FormView - csui/controls/form/form.view formModel = new Backbone.Model({ "data": { "reoccuring": true }, "schema": { "properties": { "reoccuring": { "title": "Reoccurring", "type": "boolean" } } }, "options": { "fields": { "reoccuring": { "type": "checkbox" } } } }) formView = new FormView({ model: formModel, mode: 'create', context: context }) formRegion = new Marionette.Region({ el: "#form" })
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Thank you very much for help.
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Hi! Did you have success in applying TKL in a separate form view? Could you share an example?
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