SOAP UI Authentication WSDL error " Server did not accept open request "


We have Content server 16.2.10.

We have deployed the CWS. We are trying to test AuthenticateUser WSDL request via SOAP UI giving username & password as parameter, but getting error " Server did not accept open request " everytime we execute the API.

Any help would be really appreciated. Screenshot attached below.




  • Here is a way to test your setup. On the Tomcat server you installed the CWS.war or jar the should be an XML file I don't remember the exact name but search for any instance of 2099 or localhost in that. The default XML is included and the customer is supposed to change the localhost to a working livelink server and 2099 which no one really changes that usually.

    alternatively, if you run windows Livelink server then where you have the Livelink application see if the installer has a CWS folder there so in your livelink server the SOAP port will be available as

    Here I am assuming that localhost is where I have CS(Livelink) and port 80

    cws is where the SOAP services are installed and the .svc is the service in .NET(WCF)


    If you open a Web.Config on a windows IIS SOAP end point you will see that

    OT puts that thinking that the customer will put the right DNS and post there

    That is the same thing you have to do on TC

    If you have done all of that correctly then I think you are running HTTPS and if that is the case they commented out HTTPS has to be enabled and the root java certificate should be enabled. You should see the most modern instructions in KB.I only have stuff from many years ago in my blog (Please do not look at my link unless you cannot find modern documentation regarding this in OT,I have seen pretty good https configuration documents from OT recently :)

    From what I can think setting the TC config is probably what happened so when you use soapui the WSDL parsing went fine but there is no real Livelink server on localhost that is probably what the error is saying mostly novice user problems :)

    If you do find this helpful or not helpful like or leave a comment to that effect ...

    BTW OT's SOAP can run on TC or IIs there are no restriction endpoints change that is all.

  • Check that the service is running where you think it is and that you can access it, by making a browser request for its wsdl. In your case that would be to:


    This port and https are not default configuration settings; presumably you've deployed accordingly.

  • Hello All,

    There is no problem in the Livelink server & content server is up & running on HTTPS.

    Now, we want to test some standard OT API that AuthenticateUSer API as per the screenshot via free SOAP UI tool & getting error when we execute the same.

    That is issue. Hope this helps to understand the problem.



  • @Sanmoy_Sen

    Chris Webster (the guy who replied) and I were trying to say what usually people overlook.LIvelink or Content Server the URL that ends in livelink.exe,cs.exe or llisapi.dll when it works has no need for SOAP services to work so usually deploying SOAP is an additional task which is done for you by the installer in windows not sure what it does in Tomcat. It looks like you do not want to follow our advice perhaps it is then apt for others or opentext support to resolve it...

    Most of us who want SOAP after making CS work all the way do the extra work of setting up SOAP correctly on IIS or TC .