Can't customize Welcome Header widget
I'm using CS 16.2.11 with a Chrome browser
If I place the Welcome Header widget on a perspective of mine, the thumbnail displays and the video plays if I press play. But if I try to add my own video & thumbnail, the thumbnail won't display and the video won't play, no matter what the URL I enter. It doesn't matter whether the video is in CS or if I point to a YouTube video.
When I press play, I see this:
And If I click the play button at the lower left, I see an hourglass for about a second, and then nothing else happens. The timeline stays at 0:00.
The Youtube video will not work, because Youtube does not allow showing their videos directly on other pages. (They require you to use their JavaScript to show the player. You could write a "Youtube widget" for it. There is no such widget in the OOTB CS, but somebody might write a WebReport for this.)
The video from CS should work. Do you see the video requests in the network panel of the developer tools? Did they succeed?
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Thanks very much for commenting so quickly
I was just using YouTube for troubleshooting. I was really trying to play videos I stored in CS. I resolved my problem when I replaced the properties->open URL with an actual URL when from when the videos are playing. After that, they started playing without issue.
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Yes. The URL has to serve the video content directly. It can be the built-in ?func=doc.fetch&nodeid={nodeid} for opening a user content or a content from the Support Asset Volume.
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Hi Ian.
As Ferdinand mentions, if you have access to Content Intelligence and can use the WebReport widgets, you open up more options. For example, a while back I put together a demo where we use a perspective that contained a WR widget showing a video, with the source being YouTube. The perspective also has a couple of other widgets for various content - one is another WR that list contents of a specific folder.
This was all done using WebReports, LiveReports and the content that is displayed in the widgets is variable based on where the perspective is presented. To do that, I use a classification to "tag" the areas in Content Server where the perspective applies - allowing defining one perspective and being able to use it in discrete locations (otherwise I'd need the same perspective configured multiple times to apply to each location).
Overall, it looked like this:
Pressing the play button on the video plays the video in the widget, not a dialog/overlay - but the standard YouTube expand fullscreen is available and works.
If you've got access to WebReports and Content Intelligence to use the WR widget - well worth a look.....
David Henshaw
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That's a very fine web page David, and inspirational for me. Thanks for the advice.
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I found your answer very interesting and I was hoping that you could give me more information about how you did the LiveReports and WebReports... If It's ok for you off course.
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Hi Kanela,
In our scenario, we have a folder in Content Server relevant to specific topics. Our goal is when that folder is opened in the Smart View, that we display both a video and additional information that is relevant to the topic - i.e. these are contextual to the location. I didn't want to however have to create the logic for every folder/topic location.
So, for the video, I have a WebReport (which started from the "WebReport CS16+ UI HTML WebReport Widget - Sample Template for Responsive Table" report view template). In lay terms, this WR simply sets up a iframe and DIV for the video to be presented in (more on that in a moment). The WR view executes a SubWebReport (ID of which is stored as a constant in the WR definition) and passes as a parameter to the subreport the current container ID that the Smart View perspective is displaying for (tip: lookup in the WR tag guide the LL_REPTAG_WIDGETCONTANERID tag!)
The SubWebreport uses a LiveReport as the query source and is responsible for obtaining the URL to the video I want to display. The URL is stored as a URL object in Content Server itself, and resides under the "topic" folder structure. I also apply a Content Server Classification to it. The LiveReport gets fed the current container ID the Smart View is displaying, and then looks for under that hierarchy the item (my assumption is there is only one) that has been classified as a video.
The SubWebReport then returns the necessary HTML (iframe and sub-content) to display in the WebReport Tile in the Smart View.
A similar approach is used to how I display the "Supporting References" - again these are URLS and categorised so I can find these within the "topic" the user is viewing. In fact, more pertinently, what I have is a single folder under each "topic" called "resources". That folder is hidden and contains the URL objects...meaning it is not seen as a normal folder when browsing (classic or Smart View), as I want the widgets in the Smart View to provide that interface for the user.
I then have a perspective in the Smart View configuration that lays out the WebReport tiles etc required. This view is configured again to only display when a specific Classification is present on the folder - with that classification "marking" the folder as a "topic".
With this approach I have a single set of WebReports and Perspective configuration - I don't need to replicate this for new topics, I simply apply the relevant Classification to the topic and to the URLS within the topic for the video and supporting links.
Of course with Connected Workspaces, that also means I can define a workspace template with all that structure pre-configured, meaning I only need to add the video URL and resources URLS and classify them. And even that could be handled via inheritance (i.e. split the resources folder into "video" and "supporting links" and then classify them accordingly, so when content is added in the new workspace, it inherits the classifications that drive the presentation.
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Hi David
Thank you so much for sharing this information, I really appreciate it very much.
My Team and I are going to start working on it today. Perhaps I'll write to you again.
Thanks one more time.
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Well done! Looks good.
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