Video - Walk-through of OpenText Developer - Workflow Service
OpenText Developer walk-through
Video snippet from the Developer Summit opening keynote featuring:
Learn in just a matter of minutes about how you can leverage all the power of our Workflow Service and connect it with other services from the OpenText Developer Cloud to create powerful multiuser processes flows. This demo was presented our OpenText Developer Summit.
Featured Resources:
Workflow Service makes it easy for application developers to build not only simple workflow processes with step logic but also complex BPMN 2.0-compliant workflow processes.
Workflow History Service provides historic details of processes, activities and tasks which are linked to the Workflow service.
Workflow Modeler is the primary means to create BPMN diagrams.
For those who attended the Workflow Service Lab at Developer Summit, bookmark this post for updates on upcoming resources that we'll make available to you.
Watch the full episode from OpenText Developer Summit!
Watch this video and follow the demo presented so you can learn about how to launch the Workflow modeler, import an existing workflow, explore the workflow and finally export it. Workflow is one of the most powerful services available to developers and we have no doubt this demo will provide you with endless possibilities to consider when building IM applications
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