classification json syntax in /businessworkspaces POST request
I am creating business workspaces using the REST api, and successfully doing so, except that the classification is not getting applied.
Example json body:
body={ "template_id": 18838, "name": "1659316 xxxxxxx", "type": 848, "parent_id": 4603, "description": "", "external_source": "", "external_identity": "", "external_identity_type": "", "reference_type": "1", "mime_type": "Business Workspace", "size": "", "roles": { "categories": { "11622": { "11622_2": "****", "11622_3": "****", "11622_4": "xxxxxxx", "11622_5": 1659316, "11622_6": "Regional Operations Mgr Energy", "11622_7": 1676464, "11622_8": "Inactive", "11622_9": "GG1", "11622_10": "CBRE GWS Ltd.", "11622_11": "GWS", "11622_12": "GBR", "11622_13": "GW", "11622_14": "PL0054", "11622_15": "Div666", "11622_16": 95020, "11622_17": 240499, "11622_18": 955001, "11622_19": "GBR", "11622_20": 240499, "11622_21": "FM - GWS Intercompany", "11622_22": "2010-08-17T00:00:00", "11622_23": "2015-09-01T00:00:00", "11622_24": 1073034, "11622_25": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx", "11622_26": "HR", "11622_27": "xxxxxxx", "11622_28": "2018-10-05T00:00:00", "11622_29": "2010-08-17T00:00:00" } }, "classifications": { "create_id": [ 11188 ], "id": [] } } }
I copied this format from
which just says "It’s worth mentioning that also the correct classification information needs to be passed" without actually saying what that information should be, or how it is passed in the json.
my presumption was that create_id array is an array of the classification ids you want to apply, though why we then need the id array, no idea, so maybe we do need that?
Does anyone know how to format the classifications json object?
Here's a thread where I helped someone put a regular classification
I do not have time to look at that code but it is usually meant as an array if an Object needs to support multiple classifications(Classifications and RM Classifications are the way OT allows alternate taxonomies). Usually, the call that you're making gets that template and creates it. When it puts the object in a Folder, its business rule will be run on top of your if you put a classification like X and folder has a classification of Y with no multiple class setting then Y will win if classification inheritance is ON. I do not know this for a fact but from older experience :)
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