Hi All,
Recently we have upgraded from DCTM 16.4 to 20.4 version. Exported the data(content and metadata) from 16.4 system and imported to 20.4. Verified the metadata and it looks good.
Database: Oracle 19c
O/S: RHEL 7.9
But when I try to open any document, I am getting the below error in DA.
Could not download content file for document 'xxxxxxx'. : The Filestore Key associated with the storage area filestore_02 could not be retrieved. Internal error - 1.
Below is the docbase log:
2021-06-30T16:45:46.120657 2458[2458] 0000000000000000 [DM_CRYPTO_E_CANT_FETCH_CRYPTO_OBJECTS]error: "The Filestore Key associated with the storage area filestore_02 could not be retrieved. Internal error - 1."
2021-06-30T16:45:46.143541 2458[2458] 0000000000000000 [DM_SESSION_I_INIT_BEGIN]info: "Initialize National Language Character Translation."
2021-06-30T16:45:46.152882 2458[2458] 0000000000000000 [DM_CHARTRANS_I_TRANSLATOR_OPENED]info: "Translator in directory (../install/external_apps/nls_chartrans) was added succesfully initialized. Translator specifics: (Chararacter Translator: , Client Locale: (Windows :(4099), Version: 4.0), CharSet: ISO_8859-1, Language: English_US, UTC Offset: 0, Date Format:%2.2d/%2.2d/%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d, Java Locale:en, Server Locale: (Linux :(8201), Version: 2.4), CharSet: UTF-8, Language: English_US, UTC Offset: 0, Date Format:%2.2d/%2.2d/%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d, Java Locale:en, Shared Library: ../install/external_apps/nls_chartrans/unitrans.so)"
2021-06-30T16:45:46.156675 2458[2458] 0000000000000000 [DM_SESSION_I_INIT_BEGIN]info: "Initialize LDAP setup."
2021-06-30T16:45:46.204931 2458[2458] 0000000000000000 [DM_CRYPTO_E_PASSWORD_DECRYPTION_FAILED]error: "Decryption of password present in file /opt/app/documentum/dba/config/CDDM/ldap_0850fa8780001114.cnt failed, status - 2"
Permission also looks fine on the data folder and it's sub folders. We are unable to proceed. Could you please help on the error. Anything else I am missing here..