Core Signature - New sample Postman collection
Sample Postman Collection
With this sample Postman collection, developers can evaluate commonly used API endpoints provided as part of Core Signature Service.
Preloaded endpoints include:
- Documents and Templates
- Document Attachments
- Signature Request and QuickCreate
- Webhooks and Events
- Branding
- Defaults
Click here for the documentation and access to the collection
- All Categories
- 123 Developer Announcements
- 54 Articles
- 151 General Questions
- 148 Thrust Services
- 57 OpenText Hackathon
- 37 Developer Tools
- 20.6K Analytics
- 4.2K AppWorks
- 9K Extended ECM
- 918 Core Messaging
- 84 Digital Asset Management
- 9.4K Documentum
- 32 eDOCS
- 186 Exstream
- 39.8K TeamSite
- 1.7K Web Experience Management
- 8 XM Fax
- Follow Categories