Smart View WebReports widget
We have a landing page with 3 tabs - overview, documents, statistics
In overview page we have Widget 1 (WebReport)
In statistics we have Widget 2 (WebReport)
Both widget use code similar to this
<div id="content"></div> <script> csui.require([ 'csui/lib/marionette', 'csui/lib/jquery', 'csui/utils/contexts/page/page.context', 'csui/utils/contexts/factories/connector', 'webreports/controls/' ], function ( Marionette, $, PageContext, ConnectorFactory, TableReportView) { var contentRegionDP = new Marionette.Region({el: '#content'}), pageContextDP = new PageContext(), tableReportViewDP, options; options = { context: pageContextDP, data: { id: [LL_REPTAG_$WRDATA /], title: 'Document progress', header: false, titleBarIcon: 'title-assignments', columnsWithSearch: ["Name","Progress"], sortBy: 'Name', sortOrder: 'asc' } }; tableReportViewDP = new TableReportView(options);; pageContextDP.fetch(); }); </script>
Problem is that when switching between tabs, sometimes these WebReport widget do not load.
Is there other way how to call the tablereport view? maybe re-using same page context or something.
I suggest you create an unique ID (instead of just "content"). You can use the subtag that gives you the time ticks or something like that.
Also, include some debug output around your code (console.log(...)) to help you troubleshoot.
Hope it helps.
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