Add IBM CMOD Page-Piece Dictionary index values to PDF output in Exstream
Has anyone had any experience in defining IBM's PDF Indexer values in PDF output from Exstream?
IBM's description is that the indexing the PDF is similar to TLEs in an AFP-file, but the method to a PDF is documented with Exstream to use the Metadata-components.
When inserted to the PDF it should look like this:
/PieceInfo <</IBM-ODIndexes <</Private <</DocId(AAA) /BankNumber(0000000001) /AcctNumber(00000000000111111111) /NoticeType(W) /StmtDate(20120507) >> /LastModified(D:20120619000000Z) >> >>
Link to
Best regards,
Pål Vinland
I'm in the same boat - have to add PPD indexes to PDF documents. I'm using As-is search keys and specified them individually in the controlfile. The script runs successfully and I can see the search keys in the PDF, but the IBM-OMIndexes wrapper is missing.
Did you come right with your attempt?
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