Exstream leverages the data and content that already exists within the organization to transform typical customer communications into highly-personalized, engaging customer experiences on the preferred digital and print channels, screen sizes and devices of the customer.
Exstream version history
Hi, Can anyone help with the details of OTExstream version history ? We have a legacy version 16.6.31 and we are trying to find out the latest version supported for a non-cloud migration. If I understand correctly the latest version (23) supports only a SaaS model, is that correct? SaaS migration is a long-term target for…
Opentext Cloud Native 23.4 Installation
Need some help in installing the Opentext Exstream Cloud Native and configuring/deployment process in multiple regions
How to add other documents to an Empower Fullfillment
Currently we have an Empower driver includes both empower and non-empower documents which impacts Empower performance. Is there a way to add documents to the Empower fulfillment path to reduce what is loaded into the empower editor and thus improve performance? For example, given Empower customer driver, is there a way to…
JobOwner in the spool .SHD (StreamServe 4.1.2 SP2 / Exstream 16.6.2)
Hello everyone, Sorry for my english level. I would like to get in my spool files .SHD the owner of my document created by Streamserve. But I have the account from the service startup configuration of my Control Center (Système streamservice) wich appears in the file : When I change the account in the service startup…
XMLIN - Multiworksheets in a Workbook
Hi, Is it possible to call and generate multiworksheets inside an unique workbook event using XMLIN connector? I need to generate dynamically different and as many worksheets, depending on the selection previously made from Infor M3 (using the XMLIN connector). Regards,
issue while sending emails
Hi all We are facing an issue while sending emails. We are using external jar to send emails and not using OT provided email sending functionality So, to send emails we will send all the parameters in a command which will execute jar and email will be sent. In the email we have 3 attachments out of which 1 is static and…
option delete application in grey from control center
Hi everybody, one of my customer had a cyber attack and we are helping them to restore their streamserve server (persuasion version), on control center I want to recreate an application because the old one does not connect. I can't do a delete application from the control center to make this service disappear : the delete…
Storyteller how to output a csv file as well as pdf
I am using Storyteller to output pdf files, but now also need a csv file for one of the documents. I can't find any documentation about how to do this. Is there any help available please?
Control Center tenant connection to remote server error
Good afternoon, I need some extra help in order to solve a communication problem of ExStream 16.6.7 Control Center installation. I have installed Control Center & Communication Builder on my laptop, and I need to connect to my Central installation on a remote server to run these services on my laptop, but when doing so, I…
Creating multiple documents from a single input XML
I would like to find out if it is possible to have one input event (eg: XMLIN) generate multiple documents form a single call. We currently have a business process that produces 'document packs' ie: several documents derived from different templates (document definitions). The way this is currently done is by making…
Is there a driver for Carl Valentin labels printers ?
In ExStream, is there a driver for Carl Valentin labels printers ? More precisely Vita V label printer ?
How do I resolve the error message? This happens after I run DBadmin.exe
The localization language of the database (French) does not match the localization language of the query file (English). If you continue with the update, the database localization language will be changed to English. Continue with the update?
When exporting a streamserve project often getting this error.
Below is an example of the error that displays for all the output process. I just copied one example. I have to shut down the streamserve project reopen, and then sometimes it will export without a problem. There are not errors in these output process. Not sure what the invalid Service Storage means. Error: Fatal F1062:…
How can I add the property Header on tables using StoryTeller?
Hello team! I have a question, Using StoryTeller I am developing pdfs, but when performing the accessibility check with Adobe Pro, it gives me an issue with the table headers, which says: "Headers: Failed-Tables should have headers", within the document I added the properties to the cells of "Row type: HEADER-All…
Stream serve version 5.6.2 [ST] - Using Array
Hi, In One of my ST Project, I am using array, it works good if the length of array is around 400, but if the length of array is more say around 1000 or more than it does not print. For example, below is the value of array - $arrlnsublot[0]: TEST-23-1918, TEST-23-1919, TEST-23-1920, TEST-23-1921, TEST-23-1922,…
Streamserve error "Fatal error: License not present: preformatin" using -demo argument
Hello community, recently I tried to use preformatin input connector in StreamServe 5.6.2 version, I used the -demo argument in the Configure Export section to try to run my project in demo version which does not require any license, however no matter what I try, I it always throws the error Fatal error: License not…
OpenText streamserve 5.6.2 SQL connection dropped when deploying project
After applying Windows Server OS cummulative patch KB5044293 on Windows Server 2016. Streamserve can no longer deploy an export file. This ends with an error "Connection was dropped" The logs show Unauthorized Connections. Has anyone else come across this problem? 1125 204007 (0051) 1 HTTPListener: Outgoing HTTP header:…
Scripting function SetJobDescr in StreamServe 5.6.2
Hi, we are trying to set the print job name in windows spool by using the function SetJobDescr. We can see the job name in the log output, but not in the spooler of the printer. Any help would be much appreciated. StreamServe is version 5.6.2 with cumulative 4 applied. Thanks & kind regards Andreas
odbc howto break sentence into different lines
Hi, Just a simple question I´d like to remember. How do you break a sentence into several lines without quotes? Is it possible? i.e. $st= "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE CUSTOMER LIKE 'JOHN%' AND CIA = 'XXXXXXX' "; break into $st="SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE CUSTOMER LIKE 'JOHN%' AND CIA = 'XXXXXXX' "; Regards
Exstream Cloud Native Installation on Kubernetes
Hi There, Is there an posts that describes Exstreal Cloud Native Installation with Kubernetes servers. I got many issues with that