Core Signature Sample App
A user creates a signing flow and Core Signature will email the signers with a link to sign that document online. When the signers complete that document, the sender and the signers will receive an email with the signed document and the sender will also receive a signing log, containing information about that signature request.
As a developer, you will interact with the Core Signature API to create signing flows that will allow your app users to send and sign documents.
The Core Signature sample app is one example of how you can build an application that leverages the Core Signature API to manage document signature flows.
Core Signature sample app overview
This is a lightweight application built with VueJS framework and Flask.
The README outlines the technical requirements and specific steps to setup and run the app locally.
In order to use Core Signature's API you need API service credentials for your application so it can get an access token that will be used to send requests to the Core Signature API.
You can see a sample of the required credentials in the README.
Click here to access the complete Tutorial, and links to GitHub.
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