New ways to work with OpenText cloud APIs

Chris_Wynder Moderator, E mod
edited January 12, 2022 in Developer Announcements #1

New year, new tools.

The Developer team is committed to expanding and enhancing your ability to understand and test our cloud API services:

Today we are announcing our presence on Postman's public workspaces:

From our public site you can:

  • Fork any of our released cloud API collections for your private use
  • Comment on the collections to suggest updates, changes or new features
  • See the documentation and copy code snippets

What else can you do?

We have created shareable document collections for the Developer Admin collection that provides deeper step-by-step of working with the API as well as in-line help for specific code snippets.

We also have curated the links to the GitHub app, the step-by-step video and set-up steps for our Testing App- the Contract Approval sample.

What's next?

We are committed to removing the roadblocks that prevent developers from being able getting started with our cloud API services.

So reach out and let us know what you need to be successful.

Chris Wynder

Chris is a Director of Product Marketing working with our Developer product team and community. He has a wealth of information management knowledge, particularly in highly regulated industries. He shares his deep belief in analysis and taxonomy as the basis of good information governance in his blogs.