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"Is the Sign-In Delay Impacting Your Journey? Let’s Fix It!"
Hi team, We've encountered a couple of issues that need attention: Issue Identified: The primary challenge lies with the sign-in page of the website. Users are experiencing significant delays when attempting to access the platform. Specifically, there are three notable issues: Loading Page Issue: Users face prolonged…
Introduction to Sustainability in MedTech
Hacknosis is back and if you've been wondering what sustainability has to do with technology and how it impacts the medical industry, you're not alone. Let's get into it! What is sustainability and how does it apply to technology? Sustainability is not a new concept and the term is broadly used to indicate programs,…
Hacknosis is back!
OpenText is happy to announce our second hackathon, Hacknosis: Sustainable MedTech. This hackathon is about respecting the environment and standing united for the climate by driving sustainable innovation through technology. Sustainable development is the critical point where human, social, environmental, and economic…
How to deploy a workflow model ?
I'm facing an issue in deploying a workflow model that's desinged using the workflow modeler in vs code using the api call POST /runtime/models (N.B : The hole app has been deployed with success to default tenant) The model content is in json format, how to export it in xml or BPMN2.0 from workflow modeler ? How to…
NEW! Core Signature service now available on OCP
OpenText Core Signature Core Signature Service provides developers one unified cloud-based electronic and digital signature service on OpenText Cloud Platform (OCP). Core Signature Service is comprised of several APIs that enable developers to easily embed electronic signing into new or existing applications, including the…
CMS: Error 404 in Create Dictionary Definition !
I was trying to create a dictionary definition but faced an error 404 , don't know if this is this API available with Ot Developer trial account ? or is the API url is incorrect ?
Hacknosis is back!
Learn more and Register today! OpenText is happy to announce our second hackathon, Hacknosis: Sustainable MedTech. This hackathon is about respecting the environment and standing united for the climate by driving sustainable innovation through technology. Sustainable development is the critical point where human, social,…
OpenText Developer Tools for VS Code
The latest version of the extension pack can be found on the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. However, we recommend installing it directly from within VS Code via the Extensions View by searching for “opentext” and installing the OpenText Cloud Developer Tools – Extension Pack. Installing the Extension Pack will install all…
Introducing the Thrust for Partners Program
New Partner program Get ready for AI adoption by leveraging the APIs, tools, resources, support, and market experience that OpenText offers. Learn how to: boost AI performance and power productivity to deliver the right solutions to your customers. keep your costs under control. make APIs a key component of your…
CMS : Full-Text Query : Search using trait in facet
I have a requirement to search using trait in facet , but the query is returnig emty results for trait fields and "cms_not_found" for trait field in "facet_fields_label"
Creating case instance with child nodes
I can't figure the correct syntax for creating a case instance with chid nodes
CMS : Cases : Metadata inheritance file/case ?
Hello , I have some questions about the CMS Cases API : Could a document(file) inherit some metadata from the case instance ? What are the possible values for the other the caseNode Obect Type other than "object_type": "Folder_type" ? My understanding is that a case is like a folder with certain structure and permissions ,…
CMS:Cases : Create case instance
I am trying to create a case instance for a case model already created , but faced an issue "unable to find type" , Is there another step after creating the case model like publishing the case model ? If so how to do that ?
CMS : Full-Text Query : Repeating attribute comparison
Hello , I have an issue with full-text query repeating attribute comparison using 'contains' , I don't konw if I'm using the correct syntax !
Content Storage Service v3 NOW AVAILABLE!
Content Storage Service The following API versions are available: CSS version 3 (CSSv3) supports parallel upload or download of your content in parts and allows CSS to be used independently or in conjunction with CMS. CSS version 2 (CSSv2) must be used in conjunction with CMS for managing the content. Support for CSSv2 API…
CMS : Full-Text Query : execute full-text search ?
Hello , I have a requirement to use the full-text query but I faced some issues : error "Search" is not enabled for tenant" 2) The documentation for this API is insufficient
CMS : List of Validators of attributes in type definition
I'm looking for the list of attributes validators when creating a new attributes
Guest blog - How OpenText APIs are helping to lift development efficiency by 25%
Exploring OpenText Cloud Platform Services Excerpt from OpenText Blogs: When the first beta of OpenText Cloud Platform Services launched, we had already been a member of the OpenText Solution Extension Program for some time. OpenText invited us and other members of the program to try out the new APIs at a hackathon…
Contract Approval - Intelligent Viewer : can't publish PDF
While testing the intelligent viewer services in the contract approval application , faced an issue when execution the action "Publish to PDF" , the issue related to "create_publications" sope I tried with this scope defintion but still facing same error :
CMS API : Generating unique values based on sheme for attribute when creating new type instance
Is there a way for generating unique values for an attribute when creating a new type instance , for example : Type Definition : Contract Attribute : contract_id and the values will be : CONT-LOA-0011 ?