Suggestion to use DEVOPS tools like Jenkins (CI/CD) to promote code migration in Exstream 21.4
Hi All,
Can you suggest me best practice to use CI/CD pipeline for migrating Exstream changes to higher environment.
Code deployment team asking below details.
- Tools used for automated build-and-test to ensure that code changes being merged into the repository.
- Validation and compliance (Security) - Validate the build with respect to organization needs
- How do we ensure the Code analysis and review standards
- Unit testing Coverage as per the standards setup
- Automated release of a build to a code repository, continuous deployment and releasing the app
Appreciate your suggestions.
I have used a few different tools to to this - but they are all different so I will not talk about them.
But what I do for a release is:
- From DEV create a TST package when I am happy with my changes. The package contains a version number and DEV based parameters for connectors/queues/operation attributes, smoke tests, other artefacts.
- In TST, have a monitoring tool to look for new packages and to deploy them in a load balanced Ying/Yang configuration. (If ying is live then I deploy to yang in an isolated mode).
- The TST environment has its own settings (for operation modes/connectors/queues/etc) kept in the automation tooling.
- The new service is then fed with a series of test files with omni-channel output that is created when the service is in a smoke test mode.
- I then have a script to test the output - here you can go bananas with the level of tests.
- If the tests pass then I reset the service mode to normal and start it up.
- I then flip the load balancer to point to the updated service.
- If the tests fail then I just stop the update.
The main benefit here is 0 downtime.
Throughout the entire process I notify the automation tooling, JIRA and Slack with the progress.
In my JIRA I can always see which version is in which envrionment and its status - how long it took to build etc.
PRD is handled a little differently - but basically the same.
I would love to hear what others are doing….
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