Invoke custom doctool from enterprise scan Archiving script
Hi Colleagues,
We have a new requirement from one of our customers, which uses Extended ECM for SAP
The customer scans documents with Enterprise Scan 16.2 client application to OT Content Server 16.2.
Some of the scan client stations use document pipeline for archiving, while all others scan directly from ES to CS.
We have a new requirement - to sign all scanned documents with ComSign, when the user click “Archive All” button.
We created a custom doctool and tested it ok.
Our challenge now is to be able to invoke the custom doctool after archiving.
If we use the “document pipeline (generic)” add-on, it works fine.
However, on our project, all the stations are configured to scan with the “DP for content server” add-on, as described in the attached screen shots.
My question is: How can we keep using current add on (DP for CS), and invoke the doctool by script, so it will behave as if it was declared in the “document pipline (generic)” add-on (see attachment).
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