I have some sample code that utilizes OTDSWS's PATCH user call (https://developer.opentext.com/apis/3a7bfdae-4cd3-465c-8485-c887f65def9b/bb4a87a8-62f4-4f81-a16e-2a258e7a51f1/3b775ec6-de97-46e2-b280-7b32f3d243e3#operation/patchUser_1) to update user attributes on OTDS. It works on my development environment. For some strange reason on my other Stage environment, the call has no effect. There's no response error, no authorization error. Nothing. I even tried the swagger UI by pulling the JSON result from Get User, then use the result (after altering the attribute value) for Patch user argument. The screen refreshes but the user attribute remains unchanged.
Can I get some advise please?