Extending CS Workflow problem
i try to extend CS Workflow. I follow documentation https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=79432603&objAction=browse&viewType=1 and i've meet one problem.
It is impossible to create new data type because type mentioned in documentation does not exist.
How can i extend a wf functions?
Try this for the inherited object: WFMAIN::WFObjectTypes::WFDataTypes
@siegel: vi is an editor with two modes: one which destroys your input and the other which beeps at you
1 -
I see the problem. When specifying a path to the object in double colon format, you leave off the OspaceRoot, as Dave shows. When orphaning in CSIDE, you may find times when the correct path is not what you see in the Modules view. Due to packages, you could have an object whose path is ModuleName::MyPkg::Web::utility, even though in the module explorer it looks like ModuleName::moduleNameRoot::utility. If you hover over the objects you want to orphan, you can usually get the correct path as a tool tip text in the Module explorer.
-Hugh1 -
@Hugh Ferguson you use the same path as found in Application Globals
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