No OTDS Ticket & Invalid Resource Ticket
I have upgraded xECM from 16.2 to 21.4. Post upgrade, i am getting error for 25 - Can the OTDS REST API be executed? and 26 - Can the Content Server REST API be executed?
Error Message as follows:
25 - Can the OTDS REST API be executed? Check the OTDS REST API configuration.
Error in HTTP call - Unauthorized: no OTDS ticket ( HTTP code: 401 )
26 - Can the Content Server REST API be executed?
Check the Content Server REST API configuration.
Unauthorized : Error validating a ticket. {"status":2001,"error":"DSRuntimeException: Invalid resource ticket","errorDetails":null} ( HTTP code: 401 )
Can anyone help on this please? thanks!
You must also do the following:
• Ensure that the latest sapssoext.dll file is in the \bin directory.
• Set the following system wide environment variables with the same values that you specified in SAP:
0 -
The xECM Installation Guide just tells us
"Maintain the environment parameters for OTDS"
"Set the following system wide environment variables with the same values
that you specified in SAP:
– SAPSYSTEMCLIENT"… and leaves us back with open questions …
Finally we guessed that OT might mean Environment Variables on operating system level, e.g. Windows environment variables. We tried it and it worked.
However, it doesn´t work with multiple values (; separated like other environment variables). It seems that one OTDS and therefore one OTCS works only with one SAP system/client with "autenthication assertion tickets".0
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