Folder widget
I'm using widget folderbrowser2.widget in our external app.
var browser = new FolderBrowserWidget2(
connection: serverConnection,
start: {id: folderID }
});{placeholder: '#folderwidget'});
Is it possible to hide Up navigation (screenshot)?
Hi Uldis,
I think this is the purpose of the stop property in the breadcrumb object you can define in the FolderBrowser2 object.
I haven't tried this, but would seem a logical candidate to try.
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Hey Uldis - care to post your final code showing others benefit of your finding? :)
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An excellent example for others to beneift from :)
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Yes, it is possible to hide the Up navigation button in the FolderBrowserWidget2. The FolderBrowserWidget2 class may have a property or method that allows you to control the visibility of the Up navigation button. However, without specific information about the FolderBrowserWidget2 implementation or the documentation for that widget, I cannot provide you with the exact code or method to achieve this.
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I think this is the purpose of the stop property in the breadcrumb object you can define in the FolderBrowser2 object.
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