Change localization (languge) of an integrated module - modal alert
Hello, I need to change a language of an Yes and No buttons in modal alert window.
It should be ssible according to the snippet found in csui bundle.
url: lib\src\csui\utils\commands\
I tried several iteration but I am not able to make it working.
- Does anyone have an idea where this piece of code should be implemented?
- is it correct that the example tells us to replace the file below with a different structure ?
"map": {
"*": {
"smart/dialogs/modal.alert/impl/nls/lang": "mps/localization/modal.alert/lang"
} },
Unfortunately I was not able to achive the goal. I was able to map new path with require "map" I also tried require "rename" and some other possibilities, but with no effect. The solution was to copy the whole modal.alert dialog and edit its lang file. Then I had to switch paths in each file where the dialog was used. Probably a missing knowledge on my side but still, so simle question and nobody can help here on the forum, quite sad I would say :(
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