File Server > content_storage_01


at the level of bd oracle how do i get to the physical documents in the documentum

example: C:/Documentum/data/docbase/content_storage_01/00000123/80/00/23/27.txt


  • /80/00/00/05.ppt = 80000005
    So the decimal number 80000005 in binary = 100101001011110000111101
    So the end result of reversing the binary number 100101001011110000111101 and adding 1 is = 011010110100001111000101
    Data_ticket = -2169701
    SELECT parent_id
    FROM dctm_prd_ged01.dmr_content_r
    WHERE data_ticket = '-2169701';

    SELECT parent_id
    FROM dctm_prd_ged01.dmr_content_r
    WHERE data_ticket = '-2169701';

    ORA-00904: "DATA_TICKET": identificador inválido
    00904. 00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
    Erro na linha: 3 Coluna: 7

  • data_ticket is a single attribute. Therefore, it's in the dmr_content_s table.

  • Thank you, Hicham Bahi

    I got to the data_ticket but I still need to find it.

  • SELECT parent_id
    FROM dctm_prd_ged01.dmr_content_s
    WHERE data_ticket = '-2169701';

    ORA-00904: "PARENT_ID": identificador inválido
    00904. 00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
    Erro na linha: 1 Coluna: 8

  • parent_id is repeating, so it's in the r table. Why don't you use DQL instead? Otherwise you need to understand the schema. If you absolutely must go through DB, use the views, e.g. dmr_content_sp, etc.

  • Bahi,

    I will use IDQL