Race condition: SendFax and quickly GetFaxStatus(jobId) returns "Job not found"


I noticed this racing condition. Once I've sent fax and received JobID, I want quickly check current job status. But, instead I receive "Job not found" error".

And this is intermittent issue - sometimes it works, but mostly it doesn't. It may need to wait for couple seconds until GetFaxStatus() starts returnning actual status for this JobID.

Per documentation it should work right away.

So, just want to confirm if this is known "issue" and you are planning to address it.

Or we should know this contraint and just workaround it, or better use web-hook to get status back.

Best Answer

  • Akash Venugopal

    The fax status needs to be done at least after 30 seconds.
    A more realistic time would be after a minute.


  • Akash Venugopal

    The fax status needs to be done at least after 30 seconds.
    A more realistic time would be after a minute.