Workflow - Text Pop-up Attribute - Multiple Rows
Wondering if anyone else has run into this and how they managed it.
I have a workflow with a text pop-up with a Max rows of 4. Default 1. It is a required field.
The user initiated with 3 rows but left one as <None> .
The first task is assigned to a user and they get it in Smart View. They fill in their required fields BUT it does not send on when they click Send On. Those attributes appear to be saved but it doesn't give any messages or anything.
The admin had to remove that 3rd row with the <None> before it could be sent on.
If its a required field, why does it even let them start this workflow with a blank row?
Is there any way to ensure that users do not start this workflow with one of the fields set to <None>? I suppose I could check if its not set to a value and send back to the initiator but that is a pain. I would think this should be a system check when its required.
Thank you
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