xECM - CRT DashBoard - What table can I find the information on Revision Approve Date

What DB table in Content Server xECM can I find the information for items that has an Revision Approved Date in the CRT Dashboard.


  • There are many ways to find this information.

    • If you look at at the hyperlink it will have a number most likely like everything else in CS it is the DataId of the object that you are dealing with.Now our aim is to find the table that contains the date.From the looks of it it looks like a WR so it may have a source you may be able to find it from that SQLquery.
    • Lets say it is not a WR then you have the option to put a break point on the object that it produces,however it is not an easy task to familiarize oneself to the vagaries of builder a.k.a CSIDE so I offer another way.
    • Obtain the Schema by signing an NDA with OT especially you may have to specify you need the Engineering Schema as well,most likely they will explain what the DTree→DVERSDATA→Engineering Revision tables are.
    • Another poor mans way,in one of the servers producing this output make its thread run with 1 ,this is just to prevent 8 threads from happening,then stop and start the server.In all likely hood you will get thread1.log what the oscript is performing and connect1.log which the DB is performing.You have to go to log settings and enable it before hand.Now run your CRT dashboard and start looking for the dataids shown in the picture most likely you will see blocks of info regarding webnodes(a quick way of combining dtree & dversdata) dtreeacl and other tables and most likely you will see the info you want.It will not be easy but you certainly can.
    • Bring the schema in a SQLtool and in the explorer pane you will see DTREE etc and perhaps the Engineering team prefixes their tables with XENG? most likely you may find your answer there.

    PS:OT as a company does not allow Developers to make public the table structure because it is their IP this is the NDA that one signs when requesting the schema.A lot of CS Tables are well known as the software is around 30 years old.Howeer the OT system is very easy to understand if you set your sights on it :)